Our Services

Pre Sale

I am happy to accept your inquiry. Before you begin the process of cleaning out you house, do think about leaving

“the stuff” for Gold Star to sell. The more we have to sell the better. There will items left after the sale to donate.

Let’s start. The Initial consultation with client. No charge.

Set up and sale dates established.

Contract is executed.

You get the owner from start to finish.

Equipment is furnished. (Tables, easels, lighting, hand trucks, and packing materials)

Items are sorted, prepared, arranged, and presented to the best possible advantage.

Items are priced.

Goal to set highest price possible in today's market.

Appraisers used for items of extreme value.

Advertising - An important aspect of what we do:

Your sale, and over 100 pictures of items in your sale, will be posted on estatesales.net, subscribed to by over 40,000 customers in the Atlanta area. The cost will be born by Gold Star.

Ad will be placed in the Atlanta Journal Constitution or appropriate newspaper.

Database of 6,000+ customer e-mails will be contacted about your sale.

Professionally made street signs are posted.

Your sale will be advertised on this website.

The Sale

Sales are conducted for 2 to 3 days from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

Our staff is knowledgeable and trustworthy.

Customers are treated with courtesy and respect.

Credit and debit cards, checks, and cash are accepted methods of payment.

Credit Card processing expenses are paid by Gold Star.

Every transaction is recorded and provided to the the client.

Complete reconciliation of sale results is furnished client after the sale.

Client information and business transactions are confidential.

We charge a commission of 35% to 40% of the sales price of what we sell, that's it.

Post Sale

Removal of remaining items per client's wishes. We have access to resources that will remove any and all items of your choosing.

Payment of the proceeds to client within 5 business days.